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Spreadsheets for a Better Life
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Full-Year Spending Plan

Budget for the Year in Just a Few Hours
Personal finance is a long, winding road. While it will always be a part of your life, you can improve your path by following a full-year spending plan.This is different than a traditional monthly budget, where you basically enter the same information over and over 12 times per year. A spending plan is a one-and-done system where you'll enter your income and expenses upfront. Then as the year progresses, you'll update your number accordingly.Planning your money this way will keep you from ever paying a late fee again. Because there is a running total built in, you'll always be in control and know what your expected account balance is for any date of the year well in advance.
Plan for Retirement

Retire Rich by Following a Plan
I wish I would have listened when I heard in my 20s that it's completely possible to retire rich if you start investing early.You won't have to invest nearly as much money, and you can take advantage of compound interest for a longer period of time.If you're in your 20s or 30s, its entirely possible to be rich once you get to retirement age. But you have to act NOW!Use this simple spreadsheet to track your yearly investment goals. You'll be able to see your expected investment balance for the next 80 years!
Track Your Vacation Time

Never Run Out of Vacation Days Again
This is a fun spreadsheet that I created to better track my days off from work.It includes a calendar worksheet that color-codes your vacation, PTO, and holidays so you always have a yearly view.You'll also have the current balance of hours available to help you better plan. You'll never run out of days again when you use this spreadsheet.
League Bowling Statistics

Detailed Weekly Bowling Stats Instantly!
In the Fall of 2023, I was asked to join a bowling league by my former teammate. I hadn't bowled in 7 years, but accepted and was excited to have weekly bowling to look forward to again.We weren't 4 weeks into the season before I decided it would be fun to create a spreadsheet to track my weekly statistics. I figured it would be more comprehensive than any stats the league would give out at the end of the year.This spreadsheet is simple to use. You'll enter your frame-by-frame scores for each game bowled. From that, you'll receive your average, strike count, split conversion, and year-to-date high and low scores.In addition, there is a financial worksheet to track league pay, jackpots, and profits. It's a great tool for the league bowler who likes to have weekly statistics to study.
Make Progress on Your Habits

Track Your Goal Progress Everyday
Do you have habits that you want to keep, but you know if you aren't tracking them then they probably aren't getting done?I think we've all been there, right?
Walking everyday
Spending time on your side business
Reading a certain number of pages
Learning a new skill
Whatever it is for you, this spreadsheet will help you to begin tracking your goals more efficiently. Once you begin doing that, you'll see real progress toward your goals!This product is a work in progress and is not yet listed in the Etsy Shop.
Tracking Income as a Sports Official

Track Your Pay as a Sports Official
I wish I had thought about doing this when I started!I was a youth soccer referee from May 1994 until August 2019 (25 years!). I wonder how much money I earned over that time. The truth is, I'll never know.Outside of a couple seasons, I never bothered to track my income. If you're a referee, you don't need to let that be your story.This spreadsheet will not only show you how much money you earn each season, it will break it down by age group, league, and tournament.This is a terrific tool for a referee at any age level. This is perfect whether you're just starting your career or have been at it a while and want a meaningful way to track your profits from all the time you spend on the soccer field!This spreadsheet is a work in progress and is not yet listed in the Etsy Shop.
Learn About Ringside Sheets

Ringside Sheets Began in 2023
My name is Cameron, and I really enjoy creating spreadsheets. I've been creating budgeting templates since 2009, and sold my first budget in 2014 in a Facebook group over Thanksgiving weekend. So I've dabbled in it here and there, but didn't decide to make a real business out of this until 2023.I created the Etsy Shop on January 30, 2023 but really have just begun to take it seriously since the middle of 2024.I spend several hours each week designing, editing, and creating new spreadsheets that I think you'll enjoy.If you're looking for a better way to track your spending, fitness, or habits, I hope you'll take a look at what I have to offer and consider Ringside Sheets.Thank you for being here today!

What I'm Up to Lately
It's true what they say. You don't make a purchase because of the product. You also buy from people you know and like. With that in mind, I thought it would be a good idea to share a little about myself and what I've been up to recently.I got the inspiration for this page from J Money (the blogger, not the rapper). My aim is to update this once per month and share what I'm into lately. Here we go!
Playing basketball twice a week in the morning
Getting back into distance running (again)
Enjoyed volunteering (set up/tear down crew) at a 4th of July 10K
Thinking about starting a podcast about spreadsheets (would you listen?)
Page last updated: August 5, 2024